UiTM Young Talent

    Hi, i amDr. Mohd Lokman Ibrahim

    and i am a Chemist


    Dr Mohd Lokman Ibrahim | Faculty of Applied Sciences

    Dr Lokman's research focuses on heterogeneous catalysts, with a particular emphasis on catalytic biodiesel generation and photocatalytic water treatment for renewable energy and environmental conservation applications.

    He previously worked with Professor Datuk Dr ChM. Ts. Dr Taufiq Yap Yun Hin and Associate Professor Dr Umer Rashid, both of whom are experts in catalysis research. They are now working on multidisciplinary projects with domestic and international researchers in renewable energy, material sciences, nanotechnology, waste biomass conversion, and reactor applications.

    After five (5) years as a lecturer at UiTM, he was the primary and co-supervisor for six (6) PhD students and twelve (12) MSc students. He acquired five (5) national and internal research funds as the principal investigator. Additionally, he won three (3) gold awards, three (3) silver medals, and one (1) bronze medal at numerous invention, innovation, and design expositions. He was named one of the Top Ten UiTM Authors for 2020 Scopus/WoS Indexed Journals articles.

    The most recent collaboration with Nagoya University Professor Dr Motonobu Goto focused on Supercritical Catalytic Biodiesel Production to reduce the cost of biodiesel production and improve process efficiency. Their collaborative efforts resulted in their first publication in the Chemical Engineering Journal (Impact factor of 13.273).

    (Scopus H Index with 16 and 741 citations)

    My motivation: Love your Family and Good Friends, Work Smart, Live your Passion

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    Universiti Teknologi MARA,
    40450 Shah Alam,

    Tel: 603- 5544 2004
    E-mail : tncpi@uitm.edu.my
    Hour: 8.00am - 5.30pm